A computer is the heart and soul of a digital piano. This modern innovation of the acoustic musical instrument has many features and functions that can leave the traditional piano in the dust. Besides its obvious compact design and friendlier price tag, the digital piano is loaded with a lot of useful settings that make learning easier and more fun.
Built in Recordings
The recording option is a typical setting to be found on a digital piano or even on an electronic keyboard. Most digital pianos are able to store music in its hard drive. Bear in mind that the capacity is likely to be limited and can be dependent of the model and its disk storage capabilities. There are other means for piano players to record and saved their piano piece without relying on the small space allotted in the digital piano’s motherboard.
External microphones have been the tried and tested method used by many piano players who want to record their music. The method is simple and merely relies on proper mic placement. Ideally, it would be wiser to do this type of recording at a studio where the sounds are controlled better. Ambient noise caused by various external factors can be reduced significantly. Individuals who opt to record without a studio should be equipped with quality microphones. If possible, pianists should scout for an area with a more controlled environment and less sound disruptions or echoing.
Computers & Laptops
Laptops are one of most portable versatile options that a person can plug their digital piano into directly. Doing so allows players to record the music onto their computers. Since recordings and music formats tend to take up a lot of space the computer to be used should be able to handle this. Some notebooks are best left for browsing the internet or doing minor computer work on. Others are designed to handle more rigorous usage while providing top notch sound quality. Make sure that the MIDI setting is available to ensure that files are smaller and easier to convert into MP3 or WAV.
Computer Programs
On the same note as computers, programs are required in order to record and edit piano music. The majority of music composers, lyricists, digital artists, and even DJs in clubs prefer to use a digital piano because of the many benefits of using Digital piano has for their career. Editing and recording programs come in a wide array with some focused on simply saving quality music recordings of the piano player onto a folder or file. Other programs can be utilized to add other musical components or clean up unnecessary noises found on the track. Another useful program can print out a sheet music version of any uploaded piano score. This can prove to be very useful for composers and individuals who are interested in sharing their composition with others.
Aside from laptops and desktop computers, piano players now have the option to use hand held computers such as tablets and some smart phones in order to upload and save piano recordings on it. Users beware however, the sound quality of these devices are not up to par than other gadgets. It can work as a quick fix when a composer or pianist simply wants to remember the tune to redo on a later date. Otherwise, it is not advisable to record on a tablet at least not if you want good quality. Applications are a dime a dozen, some are free of charge while others will require you to cough up a minimal fee. Just always be reminded that the results of the recording are not as impressive as other methods.
Portable Memory
Thumb drives, flash drives, or memory sticks as some people call it are useful tools. Compact in size and easily fits in pockets or attached to key rings, pianists tend to carry one because they can easily plug into the digital piano in order to upload or download recorded music. Portable drives come in various memory capacities. Before going all out and buying the biggest capacity possible, make sure that it is first and foremost compatible with the port. Ports on each device will have varying requirements. A lot of ports function with any type of thumb drive but some work faster than most. Ascertain that these drives are also virus free. Because the digital piano or electronic keyboard is still a computer bugs can still cause some damage to the system.
Headphones can make a world of difference when recording music. Noise canceling or blocking headphones are the perfect accessories for pianists who want to ensure that their piano playing is in the right tempo, rhythm, and melody. For pianists this means that there is a better chance of producing recordings that are free of errors. Playbacks and recordings can also be assessed more clearly of any pitch or tonal problems with the headphones that permit users to listen to the sounds as distinctly as possible.
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