Today the world of internet has really advanced and with new technologies coming in to various fields of study, knowledge and practice; you can find a variety of valuable information spread everywhere in the form of various blogs. Many of the piano experts and teachers look forward to share their approaches and ideas or they look for a space for teaching and experimentation; a perfect place could be your own blog. Your own space to share advices, materials and motivate other music lovers to learn piano is something that makes your life more exciting. Bloggers everywhere are seen sharing great ideas and offer endless inspiration for others on various forums.
Before Beginning your Blog:
- Know your Audiences: Before you actually begin writing posts for your blogs, make sure you know your audiences well. In general, a piano blog is focused to help other pianists, teachers, students, parents of piano learning children. It is important to find your niche so that you can generate ideas and write posts focused on needs of that niche.
- Have a Goal: Setting up a goal for your blog would enable you to remain focused and will keep you safe from posting irrelevant or useless content.You surely would be blogging for people to benefit from your information so it is important to be focused on your overall goal and post material related to your mission.
- Futuristic Blogging: Be creative and futuristic. It is good to share old techniques and ideas too but focus more on introducing new techniques, instruments, methods and tips that could help your readers for real-time improvements with understanding, learning and playing piano.
How to Begin Blogging?
Setting up your own blog:
In order to begin blogging, you need a platform where you can post your articles, videos and other forms of information related to piano. For beginners it is best to begin with a free blogging platform that can be easily attained from or There are many other free blogging platforms but these two are the most famous ones and are easier to set up and maintain. Apart from these free blogging platforms, you can even opt for domain name of your choice that you would need to purchase. Domain name and web hosting service are two basic things that you need in order to build your blog. It is your choice whether you want these services for free or would like to pay for it with a name of your own choice. But whatever option you choose, make sure that your website/blog has a name easy to remember and related to your piano subject.
Select your blog theme:
With themes, there are plenty of options available online for free. You can select any theme that you find suitable for your piano blog.
Components of a Successful Blog:
Since there are some do’s and don’ts associated with any kind of work or interest you carry, there are some crucial considerations for a music or piano blog too.
Comprehensive: A successful piano blog should be one that gives audiences everything under one roof. By that we mean that it should serve as a comprehensive guide so whatever your audiences may find the need to look for related to music or piano could be found within resources available through your blog.
User-friendly: Apart from being a complete guide, your blog should be easy to access and use for all your readers.Your blog should be easier to follow for your readers. There should be varied options such as search, relevant tags and categories; so that your reader can easily find what he/she may be looking for.
Original Content: With so many sites offering great resources related to piano learning and practices; it is imperative to be original if you really wish to be successful at blogging. So while you are blogging make sure that you offer original content through your blog. Uniqueness of your content is something that would attract your readers to follow your blog on a regular basis.
Use images with your post: Your blog post becomes more interesting and attractive if it has images related to the content of post. Although when using images, make sure that you use images that are legal to use and doesn’t have any copyright infringements. You can find free image resources online and can even buy certain stocks available at reasonable prices.
Regular and On Schedule Blogging: Blogging without a schedule can end up in failure to capture audiences’ interest and attention. Plan realistically to make sure that you stay on schedule and post in the same frequency. For example, if you plan to post an article every day; make sure you do that and try to post it at the same time each day. When you stick to your plan and build up readers for your blog; they should know that when your post would be coming in each day or with any other frequency that you plan. Do not disappoint your readers by failing to post according to your plan.
Maintain a Stock of Ideas: As you begin your blog, it is okay to be stuffed or overloaded with ideas for blog posts. It is important to keep note of all your ideas and best would be to maintain a notebook. So every time you have an idea, you should know where to record it. There will be times when you will lack inspiration and will be short of ideas; so you would know where to return for inspiration to continue blogging at the same pace. It is important to make note of your ideas before you lose them.
Always Respond to Comments: You are sharing your ideas and knowledge for others to read and so a blog is meant to be interactive. Reply to all the relevant comments that your readers post on your blog. If a reader finds that blogger is replying to its readers comments or queries, he will most likely join the blog to add on to conversations or to post his/her own comments or queries.
Spread the News/Market your Blog: There are many ways with which you can spread the word out for your blog and market it to gain more readers and subscribers. It is best to include subscribing and sharing widgets on your blog so that your readers can subscribe for updates and can even share your blog posts on social media and networking platforms. It would be best to make it easier for your reader to spread the word. Moreover set up a page for your blog on social media platforms so that your readers can get quick updates in news feed and it also helps in getting the word out.
Connect with Bloggers: Another important aspect that bloggers should consider is to make sure that they connect with other bloggers. You can connect with other pianist bloggers sharing similar interests and get back to those who comments on your piano blog. You may even email them and introduce about yourself and your goals. This socializing would not only benefit your blog but could also result in enhancing your knowledge on piano and related subjects.
These were some simple tips for setting up and maintaining your own piano blog. As you have your blog connected with a reasonable number of subscribers, it would be wise to look for additional marketing methods such as putting ads etc. However, the main element of success for your piano blog would be relevant, useful and unique content that most of the people need who are associated with piano in some way. Design a professional and unique looking blog with unique content posted on a regular basis and let it serve as an online interactive platform for pianists; it will become easier for you to build sincere fan following for your blog.
I would love to play an instrument. I know a bit of guitar and piano but I’m really not good at reading music.