Musicians are often witnessed finding expressing emotions in their music difficult. It is not because they lack in their knowledge about instrument and music. It is not about their lack of talent. But it is all about their expressiveness while playing piano. You may learn theory, notes, chords, scales and other skills of playing piano and similar goes for playing with expression. But this skill comes with practice and improving at musical expression. Practicing expression incorrectly or avoiding this skill completely could never enable you to do it the right way. There exists some mistakes that commonly pianists make and it makes their piano music and performance emotionless.
Reasons for Lack of Emotions:
Lack of Understanding:
When you are playing a musical piece, it is not only important to understand its musical properties in order to play it satisfactorily but understanding the piece and its interrelations is important. Understand the background of a musical piece and its realistic development and relevance. If you are not able to get hold of emotional response of a piece and are playing it only on the basis of understanding of notes and scales with piano, you will be delivering a cold performance that would lack emotions and expressiveness. Whereas emotive expressiveness of that piece would enable you to play it in true sense and the experience would be magical for both you and your audiences.
- Learn about sensitive responses of the piece.
- Its expansions and contractions and other minute details such as gestures, tension turns and relaxing characters are important.
- Try to move yourself with the music.
- Try to maintain the required sensitivity.
Focusing in Wrong Direction:
This relates to the first reason that is mentioned above. Many of the pianists are more focused on how to play all the notes correctly rather than how to play notes in the most expressive manner. The term more expression is often more valuable than more appropriate. The more you are conscious about playing all the notes absolutely correct, the more you will lack emotions in your performance. It is good to be concerned but there is a difference between being concerned or conscious and alert. You would need to pay attention on notes but at the same time you should not miss to lead the gold of emotions. Pay more attention on how to play your piano notes rather than focusing on notes itself.
Not Experimenting to be Creative:
Piano is such a versatile instrument that you can do limitless combinations and possibilities for a particular musical piece. You can deliver a musical piece in an entirely different way; that you can term as your own form of that piece. Pianists who limit themselves to particular notes and styles are thus the ones making their music emotionless. It is important to experiment and try your hands on different variations of a piece. Pushing your skills on piano to add creativity for growing a particular piece out of the box would add your true emotions to the music.
- Work with a piano piece and experiment different variations.
- Notes can be articulated in different ways using various tone building techniques.
- Use different styles and combine them to create a master piece of your own.
- Include use of rhythmic possibilities and expressive phrasing variations.
Lack of Structured Practice:
One common problem that many musicians report that when they practice a piece over and over again in order to make themselves play it with complete perfection, they tend to lose interest, love and emotions for that piece. After playing it over and over again, pianist don’t feel the same love that they had for the piece for the first time they played it. This destroyed enjoyment thus results in lack of emotions. Although in reality, the truth is that your practice sessions are not well structured. You may extensively practice a piece but your practice should be structured.
- Practice using a metronome would give you a solid base for further creativity and expressiveness so practice with the metronome.
- When you will perform without metronome, you will be able to self-indulge and it would give you a chance to add emotions and expressions to the piece.
- Also try practicing without use of pedals, it would give you clarity of a piece and when later you will add pedals for your performance; you will find true glory of the piece.
Practicing Without Audience:
Another major reason behind lack of emotions in your piano music could be that you must be practicing regularly in the form of varied structured sessions but you are not practicing or performing in front of audience. This may not seem important but it essentially is. Your piano music would not have life if you are only practicing alone in a studio or your living room with no one listening to your practice/performance and commenting about it. It is similar to talking alone or actually getting involved in a communication with someone to discuss anything.
- Get yourself registered for any recital or perform in front of a group of people. It could be a family gathering or event.
- Performing in front of audience would enable you to perform with all your emotions and expressions and you will enjoy playing music for them.
There can be reasons other than those that we have mentioned. The point here is to analyze your reason and work against it. Enjoy music as you enjoy your life. Make music creative and interesting as you try to make your life by pushing yourself and thinking of activities that are outside your daily routine. Similarly add twists, variations and expressiveness to your piano music and you will be able to maximize beauty of your piano music with involvement of correct emotions.
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