It is not possible to deliver a specific set of rules, since the subject of songwriting is too diverse. A songwriter can deliver perfection in the form of song great numbers using different approaches and attitudes in song writing. Since songwriting is not similar to drafting an office document rather it is a skill that you can gain with time, experience and further exploration. It is not a subject that could be taught. Songwriting is more about working on different ideas and expressing them in the form of a musical structure that has a particular melody and a direction. There will be times when you will find that you are replicating your new idea with the song that you have previously created. There will be times when you will have fresh ideas but may not be sure how to compose song out of them. All of this and other things may frustrate you. Hold on, give a look at some useful tips shared here and you probably would be able to find a way out.
Songwriting Tips:
A songwriter doesn’t need to be a perfectionist and there is always room for improvement. The reason why we are sharing here some tips is to enable you to improve in the field of songwriting.
1. Gather ideas and set your own imaginary world!
Your ideas work as a centerpiece of your musical world but it doesn’t have to be a big one always. Many songwriters make this mistake that they look for some big ideas and waste time whereas you can gather some small ideas and work over it to make them a chartbuster. Ideas are your theme and it could be anything that like your feeling, a situation, an experience or a character. Look for ideas all around you, in family, on TV, in a book or elsewhere. Choose whatever theme or idea appeals you as far as you think that it would be able to reach out to your audiences well. Gather different ideas in your mind and you can create a theme or storyline in your imagination to begin with your songwriting.
2. Simple themes could work well when said in a different manner!
Difficult things are not always supposed to reward well, at least not here when we are talking about songwriting. Music is something that should soothe mind/body of listenersand it should appeal them. Complicated structures and themes would only confuse them. It is best to write a song that surrounds simple things. But yes, there are already so many simple themes tried and tested already. Want to prove yourself different, say it in different manner. For example when you talk about reaching for your dreams or falling in love; you will find millions of songs. Make your song sound different with catchy synonyms used in a captivating structure.
3. A captivating melody is must!
You will definitely get more listeners for your composition, provided you have given a memorable and catchy melody. An interesting melodic pattern and half of the race is already won. Try a combination of long/short phrases, patterns of rhythms and notes, include repetition but make sure there are variations too. If you are not sure of what kind of melody should be written, look for inspiration from some of your favorite musical pieces.
4. Avoid forcing the composer inside you!
There would be moments that would bring happiness and there will be blues too. If you want yourself to come up with something creative and attractive, do not force yourself. It is not obligatory to come up with an idea the same day, you may need to sit back in the studio for another day, week or weeks to come. You need to wait for yourself to be in the mood and to have a clicking idea in your mind. Music is not something forceful but it is more of what comes naturally and by creative thinking in your mind.
5. Begin penning down your idea!
One mistake that songwriters usually make is that they may have a brilliant middle chorus in mind but they keep on thinking but they keep on waiting to come up with an idea for introduction in order to pen down the composition. Remember that at the end, nobody would bother if you have composed middle section first or ending or intro. Moreover once you are done penning down everything that comes in your mind related to a particular composition, you can always restructure before finalizing. So don’t worry about getting non-linear while writing.
6. Get hold of your favorite numbers for components and structure!
When you are done composing all the parts, it is pretty natural to think that something is missing or you might really have missed some parts of the song. It would be better to hear one of your favorite numbers (preferably of the same era and over the same theme if possible) to get a guide for pieces and structure of a song. Consider elements of your favorite number and you can mix some of those pieces in your song as well if they fit well.
7. Be your own judge and take feedback from others too!
During the process of songwriting, it is best to be your own critic. Term yourself as part of an audience and listen to what you have composed. Critically think about improvements and mark areas where you need to make some modifications/alterations. Not only that but taking advices of others working around you on same genre could be fruitful. You may be part of a production team and there could be people who can give you suggestions for betterment. Don’t be too much optimistic about your writing. If people say that your song doesn’t sound great, it is okay! Accept honest feedbacks positively and work towards improvements.
Songwriting is all about working on ideas with a relaxed mind and during the process you may find some complicated ideas that would end up nowhere. Don’t panic, stay calm and take some rest. Work again with a relaxed mind and don’t get disappointed with failures. You may not be able to get to the result many times and there will be times when magic will happen. You can even borrow ideas, mix them or rewrite them. There is no definite way of writing a song and thus there is no limit to creativity in this genre. Just explore and the more you explore better you will get at songwriting.
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